I love that my personal site, ajot.me, runs on Hugo. Markdown keeps things simple, and the whole setup works well. But sometimes, I just want a UI to edit posts quickly without cracking open a text editor.
I already have an email-to-post system running with Postmark and GitHub Actions. I send an email, and boom—new post published. But I wanted an easier way to tweak existing posts without going into markdown files manually.
Enter Tinacms - an open-source, headless CMS that provides a visual interface for managing content while keeping everything stored as markdown. I first heard about it from Cassidy Williams and last week ran into the TinaCMS team at NDC London.

It looked like the perfect fit. I just had to figure out a way to do this without making any drastic changes to my existing local Hugo setup. So, I did.
Setting Up Tinacms with Hugo
Here’s how to get a UI for editing Hugo posts in no time:
- Install Hugo
brew install hugo
If you already have it, skip this.
- Fire up your Hugo site
hugo server -D
This lets you preview everything locally.
- Add Tinacms
npx @tinacms/cli@latest init
This sets up Tina in your Hugo project.
- Run Tinacms with Hugo
npx tinacms dev -c "hugo server -D -p 1313"
This starts Hugo alongside the TinaCMS UI. Once running, your Hugo site will be available at http://localhost:1313/, and the TinaCMS admin interface will be accessible at http://localhost:1313/admin.

Now I’ve got an admin interface where I can edit posts like a civilized person.
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